Custom instant messaging platform
Total fundings
$ 200,000.00
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About X&Go
X&Go - the world's first platform for creating custom IM apps The humble message thread is the most universally used mobile interface: if there are 3 billion mobile phones on the planet there are 3 billion people that know how to send and receive messages. Yet, in 2015 we still can’t IM most businesses. Developed by South African start up, UX Foundry, X&Go is a multi-layered business IM platform that can power an organisation’s custom branded IM app. All X&Go apps can be customised –... Read more
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X&Go's Team & Contacts
With over 11 years experience across the board, X&Go is led by a team that challenges the status quo
X&Go's Tech Stack
X&Go's website uses over 3 core web technology tools. They include tools like hosting, javascript, widgets among others
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