Terms of Service


a. These Terms of Service (these "Terms") are a binding agreement between you (“you”, “your”) and StartupList Africa (referenced herein as “StartupList Africa”, “SLA”, “us”, “our”, and “we”) and set forth the legally binding terms of your use of the StartupList Africa website, the website or mobile application (the “Site”) and its services (the “Services”). Please read them carefully.
b. By creating an account, or otherwise using any of the Services, you are confirming that you have read and understood these Terms and the SLA Privacy Policy (available at https://startuplist.africa/privacy-policy), (collectively the “Agreements”) and that you agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these Terms, do not become a registered user or otherwise access or use the Site or its services.
c. We reserve the right to modify these Terms as we deem necessary. Changes to the Terms will be posted on the Site and are binding on you as a user. Please review our Term's regularly so you can stay informed of any changes. Your continued use of the Site and its services shall be viewed as your express consent of the then-current Terms. If you do not agree to any modifications, you must stop using the Site immediately.
Using the Services
a. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, SLA grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to access and use the Site and its services. You agree not to use the Services for any commercial or illegal purpose.
b. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your account, password and any other security feature, and you will remain responsible for all activities and postings on the Site that occur on your account.
c. In order to access and use the Services, you may be required to provide certain registration details or other information. You agree that the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date at all times and that if any of the information changes, you will update it as soon as possible.
a. You are solely responsible for the content that you post on or through the Services. You acknowledge and agree that SLA does not control, and is not responsible for, content posted or transmitted on the Site by you or any third party, and that you use the Site at your own risk.
b. You understand that by using the Site, you may be exposed to content that might be offensive, harmful, inaccurate, or otherwise inappropriate. SLA does not endorse, support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on the Site or through the Services.
c. You grant SLA a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and irrevocable license to use, copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, sublicense, display, and otherwise exploit in any manner such content, in whole or in part, in any media formats and through any media channels.
Prohibited Activities
a. You agree not to use or launch any automated systems, including without limitation, "robots," "spiders," "offline readers," etc., that access the Site in a manner that sends more request messages to the SLA servers than a human can reasonably produce in the same period of time.
b. You agree not to use the Site to upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or invasive of another's privacy.
c. You agree not to use the Site to upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights of any party.
d. You agree not to use the Site to harm minors in any way.
e. You agree not to use the Site to upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation.
f. You agree not to use the Site for any purpose that is in violation of any local, state, national, or international law.
g. You agree not to interfere with or disrupt the Site or the Services or the servers or networks connected to the Site or the Services.
h. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit any portion of the Site or its services.
i. You agree not to reverse engineer or attempt to obtain the source code of the Site or its services.
j. You agree not to access the Site or its services through any technology or means other than through the interface that is provided.
Disclaimer of Warranties
a. SLA makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the Site, the Services, or the accuracy or reliability of any information, content, materials, or products included on or available through the Site.
b. SLA hereby disclaims, and you hereby waive, any and all warranties and liabilities of SLA, whether express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, with respect to the site, the services, and any information, content, materials, and products included on or available through the site.
Limitation of Liability
a. SLA shall not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site or its services, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.
b. To the fullest extent allowed by the applicable law, you agree that in no event shall SLA be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, or multiple damages, or any loss of profits or revenues, whether incurred directly or indirectly, or any loss of data, use, good-will, or other intangible losses, resulting from (i) your access to or use of or inability to access or use the Services; (ii) any conduct or content of any third party on the Site or the Services, including without limitation, any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of other users or third parties; or (iii) any content obtained from the Site or the Services.
a. SLA may, in its sole discretion and immediately, suspend or terminate your account, or otherwise cease providing you with all or part of the Services or access to the Site, with or without cause and with or without notice.
b. SLA reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.
a. This Agreement and the relationship between you and SLA shall be governed by the laws of Nigeria without regard to its conflicts of law provisions.
b. Any claims or disputes arising under this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Abuja.
c. Any action related to this Agreement must be brought in the jurisdiction identified in this Section.
d. These Agreements constitute the entire agreement between you and SLA and govern your use of the Site and its services, superseding any prior agreements between you and SLA.
e. The failure of SLA to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
f. Section headings in these Terms are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.
g. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of these Terms remain in full force and effect.
h. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to the use of the Services or these Terms must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.
i. These Terms are personal to you. You may not assign them, transfer them, or sublicense them unless you have SLA’s prior written consent.
j. SLA may assign these Terms at any time without notice or your consent.
k. SLA reserves all of its intellectual property rights in the Services.
l. These Terms do not confer any third-party beneficiary rights.
m. If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at [email protected].
This Terms of Service was last updated on August 10, 2024.