Attribution Policy


This Attribution Policy (“Attribution Policy”) sets forth the terms and conditions applicable to the use of content owned or controlled by StartupList Africa (“Content”). This Attribution Policy shall apply to all third parties that use, link to or rely on the Content (“Users”).
For the purposes of this Attribution Policy, the following definitions shall apply:
a. “Content” shall refer to any text, images, videos, or other materials owned or controlled by StartupList Africa.
b. “User” shall refer to a third party that uses, links to, or relies on the Content.
Attribution Requirements
When using the Content, a User must:
a. Credit StartupList Africa in all places and contexts where the Content is used;
b. Provide a link to the source of the Content in a prominent position;
c. Use only legally obtained Content and do not copy, reproduce, modify, or create derivative works from the Content.
Legal Disclaimer
The Content, including any materials obtained from sources other than StartupList Africa, is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. StartupList Africa does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information and does not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions. In no event shall StartupList Africa be liable for any direct, consequential, or other damages arising from the use of the Content.
For questions or feedback concerning this Attribution Policy, please contact [email protected].