Complete Farmer
Complete Farmer
Agro Supply
Agro Supply
Agro Supply is a mobile layaway savings platform that allows farmers to save and invest in farming inputs without having to take credit.
Complete Farmer is a Ghanian AgTech startup which allows users to own shares in tech-enabled farms
WamiAgro is an agro-based social enterprise which makes use of tech enabled solutions to help smallholder farmers in Ghana.
Location Kampala, Uganda Accra, Ghana Accra, Ghana
Founded 2017 2017 2019
Type Private Private Private
Sectors Financial Services, AgTech, Agriculture, Mobile App, AgTech AgTech, Big Data, Agriculture AgTech, Agriculture, Mobile Apps, AgTech
Employees 11-50 11-50 11-50
Twitter followers 1641 3361 27
Latest fund round Pre-seed Grant Funding Round
Total fund raised 200k 150k 227k

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