Staffed Hourly
Staffed Hourly
Liyu Muya
Liyu Muya
CryptoWallet, high secure messenger, bank acquiring, StableNFT technology, OS for mobile & smart devices
Hourly staffing solution for small businesses
A mobile app which consists directory and profile of talented and skilled peoples & companies
Location Central Governorate, Bahrain Gauteng, South Africa Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Founded 2022 2022 2021
Type Private Private Private
Sectors B2B, Banking, Blockchain, Finance, Financial Services, Mobile App, Mobile Payments, Payments B2B, Marketplace, Online Portals, Outsourcing, Services, Subscription Service Apps, Digital Media, Advertising, FinTech, Information Technology & Services, Mobile App, Online Media, Talent Acquisition, Web Development
Employees 2-10 2-10 -
Twitter followers - - -
Latest fund round - - -
Total fund raised 0 0 0

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