Ur-Serv Business Development LLC Logo

Ur-Serv Business Development LLC

Ur-Serv Business Development Support Success and Growth of SMEs & Corporates in many industries held in Egypt & MENA Region.

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About Ur-Serv Business Development LLC

Ur-Serv Business Development Support Success and Growth of SMEs & Corporates in many industries held in Egypt & MENA Region. With more than 20 years experience, Ur-Serv® is launched to Fill the market gap and provide the required business development services & supply chain solutions for SMEs. Ur-Serv provide wide range of end-to-end business development services from strategy, supply chain, financial enhancement and digital transformation which support the growth and success of SME's and Corporates. Our Vision To Become one of the most trusted business... Read more
Business Development
Project Management
Supply Chain Management
Year Founded
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Ur-Serv Business Development LLC's Team & Contacts

With over 3 years experience across the board, Ur-Serv Business Development LLC is led by a team that challenges the status quo
Hani Amin A Afifi's photo
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Ur-Serv Business Development LLC's Tech Stack

Ur-Serv Business Development LLC's website uses over 0 core web technology tools. They include tools like among others

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