Quicket is a South African fast and effective online ticketing service for events of all sizes.

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Industry Sector

Event Management



About Quicket

Quicket is a fast and effective online ticketing service for events of all sizes. Within minutes anyone can create an event profile and start selling tickets though our secure online payment gateway. Quicket provides users with seamless Facebook and Twitter integration making it an incredibly powerful viral self marketing tool. Without any of the expensive administrative and advertising costs incurred by other ticketing services. Quicket is able to offer an industry beating commission of only 4.9% ex VAT. This makes Quicket a truly unrivaled tool... Read more
Customer Data Management
Event Management
Event Management
Acquired by Ticketmaster
Year Founded
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Quicket's Team & Contacts

With over 13 years experience across the board, Quicket is led by a team that challenges the status quo
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Quicket's Tech Stack

Quicket's website uses over 0 core web technology tools. They include tools like among others

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