Food Bundles
Food Bundles
AT Instruments
AT Instruments
Powerstove Energy is a Nigerian startup which uses technology to deliver a smokeless, IoT-enabled cookstove that generates electricity.
Food Bundles is optimizing distribution of fresh Food for people living in cities.
AT Instruments is an Egyptian IoT startup which uses AI to solve problems in the MaaS industry.
Location Abuja, Nigeria Kigali, Rwanda Cairo, Egypt
Founded 2018 2020 2020
Type Private Private Private
Sectors Renewable Energy, IoT, Agriculture, Food and Beverage, CleanTech Ecommerce, Food and Beverage, Food Production, Marketplace, Ecommerce MaaS, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Fleet Management, MaaS
Employees 2-10 2-10 2-10
Twitter followers 239 563 -
Latest fund round Grant - -
Total fund raised 0 0 0

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