Digital Entertainment, Online Games, Video Games

Total fundings

$ 1,000,000.00

Industry Sector




About Nezal

NEZAL is a social games technology company based in Alexandria, Egypt. The company has developed advanced technology that will enable it to bring to the MENA market high quality social games. This will include online as well as mobile games with different degrees of localization. Some games will have a local theme that is sensitive to the historic and current cultural preferences and some games will have concepts that are completely inspired by local or regional topics or events.
Digital Entertainment
Online Games
Video Games
Year Founded
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Nezal's Team & Contacts

With over 14 years experience across the board, Nezal is led by a team that challenges the status quo
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Nezal's Tech Stack

Nezal's website uses over 0 core web technology tools. They include tools like among others

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