MaxFiles: Transforming document management with AI, automation, and cloud technology for streamlined operations and actionable insights. #EDMS#AI#Worlfow

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About MaxFIles

MaxFiles is an innovative enterprise electronic document management system (EDMS) and business process automation platform, specifically designed to meet the evolving needs of African businesses. We recognize the challenges faced by organizations in managing large volumes of unstructured data and documents efficiently. Our solution is built on cutting-edge technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and cloud infrastructure, to streamline operations and drive digital transformation. At MaxFiles, we empower organizations to centralize and digitize their document management processes, eliminating the inefficiencies associated with traditional paper-based systems.... Read more
Application Software
Cloud Computing
Cloud Data Services
Enterprise Software
Information Technology
Information Technology & Services
Software as a Service (SaaS)
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MaxFIles' Team & Contacts

With over 2 years experience across the board, MaxFIles is led by a team that challenges the status quo
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Idris Akindele's photo
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