Connect with Africa's top fashion creators & get custom-made pieces that tell your story. ✨
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About Glimere
Glimere is a fashion-tech startup aiming to connect African fashion creators with consumers worldwide, offering a unique platform for authentic custom-made garments and utilizing cutting-edge technologies. By bridging the gap between talented artisans and global demand, Glimere empowers both sides of the equation: creators gain access to a wider market and consumers get personalized, one-of-a-kind pieces reflecting African fashion heritage.
3D Technology
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Machine Learning
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Glimere's Team & Contacts
With over 2 years experience across the board, Glimere is led by a team that challenges the status quo
Glimere's Tech Stack
Glimere's website uses over 0 core web technology tools. They include tools like among others
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