Elimu Digital Media Logo

Elimu Digital Media

Elimu Digital Media offers education through media and ICT.

Total fundings

$ 100,000.00

Industry Sector




About Elimu Digital Media

Elimu Digital Media offers education through media and ICT. Elimu Digital Media Ltd (EDM) is a company that offers educational solutions through technology and media. EDM is mandated to move forward the concept of enabling education for all by developing Kenyan secondary school Based educational content, deliver the content through Elimu TV and other ICT Platforms.
Media and Entertainment
Year Founded
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Elimu Digital Media's Team & Contacts

With over 11 years experience across the board, Elimu Digital Media is led by a team that challenges the status quo
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Elimu Digital Media's Tech Stack

Elimu Digital Media's website uses over 0 core web technology tools. They include tools like among others

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