Auxano Solar Nig. Limited is a renewable energy solution provider with high proficiency in the solar energy industry.
Total fundings
$ 2,050,000.00
Industry Sector
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About Auxano Solar
Auxano Solar Nig. Limited is a renewable energy solution provider with high proficiency in the solar
energy industry. Founded in 2014, the company delivers high performance residential and commercial
solar system solutions. Auxano high performance solar panels are produced from high-efficiency solar
cells thus, they generate more power than conventional solar panels. Headquartered in Lagos, Auxano
Solar is continually re-inventing new and better ways to provide more efficient and affordable Solar &
Inverter systems.
Renewable Energy
Solar Power
Sentiment Score
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Auxano Solar's Team & Contacts
With over 11 years experience across the board, Auxano Solar is led by a team that challenges the status quo
Auxano Solar's Tech Stack
Auxano Solar's website uses over 3 core web technology tools. They include tools like hosting, javascript, CMS among others
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