The Global Emerging Markets Group logoThe Global Emerging Markets Group

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Global Emerging Markets Group (GEM Group), a frontrunner in the African investment landscape, specializes in Initial Coin Offering (ICO) rounds for transformative startups. Backed by successful companies like Scorefam, GEM Group stands out for its: - Sharp focus on funding high-potential African startups - Deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in emerging markets - Strong track record of executing successful ICOs, providing startups with access to growth capital and gl...

The Global Emerging Markets Group's Portfolio in Africa

The Global Emerging Markets Group has made over 1 notable investments in African startups. Their most recent investment was in Scorefam, announced on July 14th, 2022.
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The Global Emerging Markets Group's Investment activity in Africa

With over $25M invested in African startups, their latest investment was a Initial Coin Offering round in Scorefam, announced on July 14th, 2022, closing at $25M.

Here are some of their investments in Africa:

RoundStartupLocationDateAmount Raised
Initial Coin Offering
NigeriaJul 14, 2022$ 25,000,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000

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The Global Emerging Markets Group's Investment Distribution in Africa.

The Global Emerging Markets Group's currently has Startuup investments spread across the following location(s)

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