Josh Buckley logoJosh Buckley

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Josh Buckley, a prominent African startup ecosystem expert, stands out as a seasoned investor with a keen eye for early-stage potential. His portfolio boasts successful companies like OMG Digital, showcasing his expertise in identifying and nurturing promising startups. Buckley's focus on Seed rounds sets him apart, enabling him to play a pivotal role in laying the groundwork for Africa's future tech giants.

Josh Buckley's Portfolio in Africa

Josh Buckley has made over 1 notable investments in African startups. Their most recent investment was in OMG Digital, announced on June 26th, 2017.
Josh Buckley's Latest news
Former Teen Startup Founder Josh Buckley Raising $150 Million for Solo Fund - The Wall Street Journal

Josh Buckley's Journey from England to Silicon Valley - Forbes

“In the Studio,” MinoMonsters’ Josh Buckley Chronicles His Quest to Constantly Create - TechCrunch

"In the Studio," MinoMonsters' Josh Buckley Chronicles His Quest to Constantly Create - TechCrunch

Josh Buckley's Investment activity in Africa

With over $1.1M invested in African startups, their latest investment was a Seed round in OMG Digital, announced on June 26th, 2017, closing at $1.1M.

Here are some of their investments in Africa:

RoundStartupLocationDateAmount Raised
OMG Digital
GhanaJun 26, 2017$ 1,100,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000

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Josh Buckley's Investment Distribution in Africa.

Josh Buckley's currently has Startuup investments spread across the following location(s)

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