Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund) logoAgri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)

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Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund): ABC Fund is a leading impact-driven fund providing debt financing to agribusinesses in Africa. Their unique focus on debt, coupled with a strong track record of supporting notable companies like Apollo Agriculture, sets them apart in the African investment landscape. ABC Fund empowers agribusinesses to scale their operations and drive agricultural development across the continent.

Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)'s Portfolio in Africa

Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund) has made over 1 notable investments in African startups. Their most recent investment was in Apollo Agriculture, announced on June 21st, 2021.
Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)'s Latest news
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Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)'s Investment activity in Africa

With over $1M invested in African startups, their latest investment was a Debt Financing round in Apollo Agriculture, announced on June 21st, 2021, closing at $1M.

Here are some of their investments in Africa:

RoundStartupLocationDateAmount Raised
Debt Financing
Apollo Agriculture
KenyaJun 21, 2021$ 1,000,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000

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Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)'s Investment Distribution in Africa.

Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)'s currently has Startuup investments spread across the following location(s)

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