Africa50 logoAfrica50

Overview Powered by AI

Africa50 is a leading infrastructure investment platform dedicated to developing and financing transformative projects in Africa. With a focus on Series C investments, they've backed innovative companies like Poa Internet. Their unique approach combines financial expertise and a deep understanding of the African landscape, empowering them to drive continent-wide impact through infrastructure development.

Africa50's Portfolio in Africa

Africa50 has made over 1 notable investments in African startups. Their most recent investment was in Poa Internet, announced on January 18th, 2022.
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Africa50's Investment activity in Africa

With over $28M invested in African startups, their latest investment was a Series C round in Poa Internet, announced on January 18th, 2022, closing at $28M.

Here are some of their investments in Africa:

RoundStartupLocationDateAmount Raised
Series C
Poa Internet
KenyaJan 18, 2022$ 28,000,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000
NigeriaMar 23, 2021$ 125,000

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Africa50's Investment Distribution in Africa.

Africa50's currently has Startuup investments spread across the following location(s)

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